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In addition, we may also use cookies provided by carefully selected partners, with whom we work and who advertise our services on their websites our applications. It is possible that we store information that is directly related to you. The information that we collect with the help of cookies enables us to identify possible errors or to display specific services which we think may be important for you.

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We use cookies to improve your visit of our webshop.

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However, if you would rather not do that, then you are free to switch off cookies (also see the section on “How can I manage my cookies?”). If cookies have not been activated, we may not be able to guarantee a trouble-free visit on our website or application. If you want to consult the website or application of GUYLIAN, then it is recommended that cookies are activated on your computer or smartphone. Cookies help GUYLIAN to optimize your visits to its website or webshop, to remember technical choices (for instance the choice of the preferred language, receipt of the newsletter, etc.), and to provide you with more relevant services and offers. By using the website or application, you agree with the use of cookies. GUYLIAN wants to inform you as well as possible about this new legislation and about the cookies that it uses. GUYLIAN is a Belgian enterprise and follows Belgian law, but commits to pursuing a European interpretation. This law is based on the European e-Privacy Directive, which implies that the use of cookies and cookie legislation is regulated differently in each European country. The Belgian Telecommunications Act contains certain provisions with regard to cookies and their use on websites and applications. language settings), session cookies (temporary cookies) and tracking cookies (cookies that follow and record your behavior on the website and the application, with the objective of providing you with a more optimal user experience). Cookies have different purposes: there are technical cookies (e.g.

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Cookies are small data or text files that websites and applications place on your local computer.

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