Early results from Fermilab in 1974 were qualitatively consistent with these predictions (structure functions increase at low momentum fractions and decrease at high momentum fractions). QCD calculations predicted logarithmic deviations from scaling in deep-inelastic scattering. Gross and Wilczek also proposed non-abelian gluons interacting via an unbroken SU(3) color group.
#Prasanth shyamsundar free
t Hooft was aware that non-abelian gauge theories are asymptotically free (QCD): The connection between non-abelian gauge theories and strong interactions was made by David Politzer, and by David Gross and Frank Wilczek. It was known at the time that asymptotic freedom is key to the near scaling behavior of strong interactions (Giorgio Parisi). 2ģ Historical Background - Theoretical 1971: Gerardus t Hooft showed that unbroken (massless) non-abelian gauge theories were renormalizable. This suggests that the other half is carried by neutral partons - Gluons? This was the earliest circumstantial evidence for gluons.

Partons Quarks 1971: Chris Llewellyn-Smith showed that from the deep inelastic scattering experiments, we can measure the total proton momentum carried by the quark partons (or charged partons), which was turned out to be about half the total. Why were individual quarks not seen? Can individual colors be seen? 1968: Results from deep inelastic electron-proton scattering experiments in SLAC interpreted in terms of quasi-free point-like particles called partons, by James Bjorken and Richard Feynman. Questions: How are these forces mediated? Gluons? What was their spin? What charge did they couple to? Color charge was postulated, which explained the apparent symmetry of baryon wavefunctions, and the decay rate of 0 2. 1 Discovery of Gluon An overview Prasanth Shyamsundar University of FloridaĢ Historical Background - Theoretical 1964: Gell-Mann postulated quarks as the fundamental constituents of strongly-interacting particles.